Chief Mate(PH-1) - Format of METEOROLOGY
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA FIRST MATE OF A FOREIGN GOING SHIP (PHASE – I) FUNCTION: NAVIGATION (Management Level) PAPER: METEOROLOGY TIME: 2 Hours PASS MARKS: 50 MAX. MARKS: 100 Notes: 1. Question No.1 is compulsory. 2. Attempt any FOUR questions from the remaining 5 Questions. 3. All questions carry equal marks i.e. 20 marks each. 4. Use Admiralty Tide Tables 1992 Edition (ATT 1992). Q.1 Tide calculations for Standard Port and Secondary Port (including shorter method of harmonic method) Q.2 Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS) Q.3 Climatology/ Frontal / Non Frontal depressions Q.4 Ice/ Atmosphere Q.5 Ocean Currents/ Waves Q.6 Weather Forecasting/ Weather Routeing Please note that the above format is only an indicative of the examination paper. The candidates are adv...